One of the biggest life lessons that can be applied to business is the art of letting go. I use the word ‘art’ because it is just that, a discipline to be mastered and one that is intrinsic to both personal and professional success.
Letting go has been a core component of my business and has taught me a lot, not only about the industry but also about myself and having faith in the notion that ‘what is meant to be will be’.
Some stones which pass through my hands I forge an instant connection with. Holding them, merely being in their presence is a privilege, and it goes without saying that those are the stones I dearly want to keep.
However, oftentimes the universe has other ideas, and for a myriad of reasons over the years, I have been unable to retain certain stones. Letting them go can feel like I’ve given away a piece of my heart because they are something I handpicked and connected with, and the success I felt in possessing them can quickly change to a feeling of failure at having to relinquish them.
Stones, like people, move on for all manner of reasons, and I have had to learn that ‘losing’ one isn’t a failure but a learning curve. Remembering that feeling can help shore up your emotional sandbags for the next time it happens (and it will happen again!) until you come to accept that in business there will always be losses over which you have no control.
And it’s the relinquishing of control which is the big lesson here. Because as the old saying goes, if something is meant to find its way back to you, then it will.